Sunday, 10 November 2013

My Bucket List

     After being inspired by this video I have begun to compile a list of things I want to do before I die. It will obviously take a lot of effort to try and achieve them all but I feel like everyone has certain things they want to do in the future. As time progresses, more things will be added but for now this is my list!

     Some may sound ridiculous but who cares!

  1. Graduate high school
  2. Visit every continent
  3. Learn how to use a Yo-Yo
  4. Go to Disney World
  5. Go camping (in a real tent)
  6. Run a 5K
  7. Go horseback riding
  8.  Watch a musical live
  9. Start a tradition
  10. Go on a spontaneous road trip with friends
  11. Finish a diary 
  12. Throw a surprise party
  13. Go technology free for a full day
  14. Have a picnic with friends
  15. Go on a rollercoaster
  16. Go to a corn maze
  17. Have a water fight
  18. Become a swim instructor
  19. Visit every state in the USA
  20. Go on a safari in Africa
  21. Learn to play the guitar
  22. Watch all the Harry Potter movies
  23. Drive down route 66
  24. Attend a sleepover
  25. Go rock climbing
  26. Own a yellow rain coat (preferably this one
  27. Finish a rubix cube
  28. Fall in love

Friday, 8 November 2013

Choosing Happiness

     Lately I have been trying to change my outlook on life to a more positive approach. It is easy to wake up each morning feeling bummed out and already upset at the world. Just thinking about all the schoolwork I know I'll receive that day to add onto my already giant load of homework is making me feel miserable however, just a slight tweak in attitude makes all the difference. Before I get out of bed I tell myself that "today is going to be a good day" and genuinely mean it, and to me it really helps. I begin to go about that day with a happier state of mind and not dread it as much any more.
     It is undoubtedly difficult to maintain such positivity when life is not going the way you want it to unexpected low grades, falling behind in homework, approaching due dates with work that has yet to be started yet through perseverance it makes you a better person (or me at least). Life is all about balance, whether it's between work, school, and extra-curricular activities, it is important to limit and not overwork ourselves. We all know the saying "too much of anything is bad", and that includes schoolwork and even Internet; this goes without saying that by keeping harmony in all aspects of life we can really begin to appreciate the little things in life ultimately leading to happiness.
     When the world is hard on you and you feel like giving up before you even begin, remember my favourite quote by Babe Ruth.
