Wednesday, 5 March 2014


          In the midst of balancing a busy schedule, softball practices, a part-time job and school work, it is easy to loose hindsight of the things we should be thankful for! I know I am thankful for several things including my family, friends, health, and education. Often times I take for granted the simple things in life, and this leads me to always wanting more. we should be more appreciative of those small, almost inadequate things in our lives because once we learn to be truly thankful for what we have, our lives would become so much happier, guaranteed!
          Just reflecting back on life, I'm really grateful for having silly friends that have stood by me through thick and thin. Who else would I hang out in school and speak with?! I'm glad I have a dynamic group of loud and quiet personalities that all accept me for me! (So cheesy I know)
          Here's an homage to the crazy people I call my friends! Apologies in advance for the potato-quality that is a phone camera.

                    ^ #twinning? Yes!
                     ^ these weirdos
^ eating Pizza Pizza in McDonald's?!
        ^ it's a love-hate relationship


Sunday, 23 February 2014

Craving Spring

     Spring is just around the corner, and I can't wait to feel the warm again! As much as I adore my L.L Bean boots, I am sick of winter and the freezing weather it ensues. Online shopping always puts me in the best mood so with that being said, I found some of the most darling things that would be great for spring!

Preppy Spring

Daniel Wellington watches are undeniably classic and a must-have in my books! However, they are quite pricey so I'll just continue to admire them online.

Chambray Button-downs are necessary to have in your closet! I own two of them and I love them to bits because they go with literally everything.

Chino Shorts specifically from J Crew have spring written all over them. They are durable, and are made of high quality fabric. I have this exact, specific shade of blue and they are adorable!

Jack Rogers are the definition of preppy. I have been keeping my eye on these sandals for quite a while now, so hopefully I can get a pair of them real soon!

Cambridge Satchel Bags have the most darling and classic purses. Like everything else on this page, it is quite expensive but if I ever got it, it would definitely be my "grown up purse".


P.S. Hopefully as the weather warms up, I can actually work on some real fashion posts soon!